Gianluigi Cassandra, italian avvocato and solicitor, attended the Madonna del Rosario Procession, organized by the Manchester Italian Association.
“It is always a great emotion to attend the procession – declared Mr Cassandra – It represents not only the most important annual meeting of Catholics in the North of England, but also a cultural and associative event for the Italians resident in the Greater Manchester. I thank President Taurasi for inviting me with the dignitaries, for me it is always an honor to be there and serve the Anglo-Italian community of Manchester”.
The procession was attended by the Mayor of Manchester, Paul Andrews, the councillor Carmine Grimshaw, the Bishop of Salford Rev. John Arnold, the Italian Consul Matteo Corradini, Cav. Giovanni D’Angelo of CGIE and Emanuele Bernardini of Comites.