
Gianluigi Cassandra è un avvocato cassazionista in Italia (Salerno) e un consultant solicitor per Latitude Law in Inghilterra (Manchester).

Gianluigi Cassandra, con la sua solida esperienza, può rappresentare e assistere gli imprenditori italiani nelle loro attività in Inghilterra.

Grazie ad una fitta rete di corrispondenti, Gianluigi Cassandra può assistere i suoi clienti, su tutto il territorio italiano, a tariffe vantaggiose, preventivamente concordate.

Gianluigi Cassandra può aiutare i suoi clienti italiani ad affrontare e risolvere questioni consolari nel Regno Unito (registrazione dell'aire, registrazione di atti, registrazione di divorzi, domanda al consolato come tribunale di tutela, cittadinanza italiana e altri) a tariffe competitive.

Servizi Legali

Aree di pratica


L’Avv. Gianluigi Cassandra offre assistenza e consulenza ai propri clienti, in ambito contrattuale, dalle prime fasi

Diritto Societario

L’Avv. Gianluigi Cassandra fornisce assistenza alle aziende di piccole e medie dimensioni, società’ di capitali, a


La cittadinanza italiana è la condizione della persona fisica (detta "cittadino italiano") alla quale l'ordinamento giuridico

Diritto Consolare

L’Avv. Gianluigi Cassandra fornisce consulenza legale in tutte le questioni inerenti il diritto consolare, quali: iscrizione

Cambio del Nome

L’Avv. Gianluigi Cassandra, offre consulenza in materia di cambio nome, sia in Italia che in Gran

Successioni in Italia

L’Avv. Gianluigi Cassandra offre assistenza qualificata, sia in ambito stragiudiziale che giudiziale, a clienti italiani e

Recupero Crediti

Gianluigi Cassandra vanta una lunga esperienza nelle pratiche di recupero credito sia nella fase stragiudiziale sia

Diritto di Famiglia

L’Avv. Gianluigi Cassandra offre consulenza ed assistenza legale per le problematiche afferenti al diritto di famiglia,

Procure Speciali e Generali

L’Avv. Gianluigi Cassandra, in collaborazione con notai britannici, offre consulenza in materia di procure, speciali e

Diritto del lavoro, Diritto previdenziale, Diritto penale, Diritto amministrativo

L’Avv. Gianluigi Cassandra, in rete con prestigiosi studi legali su tutto il territorio nazionale italiano, mette

Our Mission & Vison

I’d be happy to help you with a law-related solution. However, I need more specific information about the legal issue or situation you’re looking to address. Please provide me with more details so that I can offer you a relevant and accurate solution.Provide comprehensive legal consultations to clients, helping them understand their rights, obligations, and potential courses of action.

Analyze clients' cases to determine their strengths, weaknesses, and potential outcomes, providing them with a clear understanding of their legal standing. Develop tailored legal strategies that address clients' specific needs

I’d be happy to help you with a law-related solution. However, I need more specific information about the legal issue or situation you’re looking to address. Please provide me with more details so that I can offer you a relevant and accurate solution.Provide comprehensive legal consultations to clients, helping them understand their rights, obligations, and potential courses of action.

Analyze clients' cases to determine their strengths, weaknesses, and potential outcomes, providing them with a clear understanding of their legal standing. Develop tailored legal strategies that address clients' specific needs

I’d be happy to help you with a law-related solution. However, I need more specific information about the legal issue or situation you’re looking to address. Please provide me with more details so that I can offer you a relevant and accurate solution.Provide comprehensive legal consultations to clients, helping them understand their rights, obligations, and potential courses of action.

Analyze clients' cases to determine their strengths, weaknesses, and potential outcomes, providing them with a clear understanding of their legal standing. Develop tailored legal strategies that address clients' specific needs

Clearly articulate the problem, challenge, or issue that the case study will focus on. Highlight why this problem is significant and how it impacts the key players involved. These agencies often focus on serving underserved populations.  Join hands with Our Law Firm and embark on a journey towards justice.

Legal service agencies are essential in addressing the "justice gap" – the divide between those who can afford legal representation and those who cannot. Without access to legal assistance

One of the significant roles of legal service agencies is to serve marginalized communities that face systemic barriers to justice. These agencies

Our Pricing

Pricing Plan


Basic Price package: affordable, essential features for all your needs. Get started today and save while you succeed!

$55 Month.

  • Urned to look out the window
  • Raising a heavy fur muff that
  • Turned to look out the
  • Raising a heavy fur muff that


Basic Price package: affordable, essential features for all your needs. Get started today and save while you succeed!

$99 Month.

  • Urned to look out the window
  • Raising a heavy fur muff that
  • Turned to look out the
  • Raising a heavy fur muff that


Basic Price package: affordable, essential features for all your needs. Get started today and save while you succeed!

$199 Month.

  • Urned to look out the window
  • Raising a heavy fur muff that
  • Turned to look out the
  • Raising a heavy fur muff that

Awards We Won